Monday, April 9, 2012

Tree Cutting And Stump Grinding

By Norman Rufo

If you have a dead tree or stump in your yard, or just one that you need or want to get rid of, then you need to know a little bit about tree cutting and stump grinding. This is something that you can do yourself or you can hire someone to do it for you. There are many companies that offer this service for a small fee.

If you want to take care of these things yourself you will first need a chainsaw to cut them down with. The absolute most important thing to remember is safety. You don't want anything to fall on electrical wires, your house, your car, you, or someone else.

Once you have taken all safety precautions into consideration and are ready to begin, read through your chainsaw manual thoroughly as it will have tips and instructions on how to properly use the chainsaw and where to cut. Remember not to cut over your head, keep both hands on the saw, and keep both feet firmly planted on the ground.

If you have cut a tree down and have a stump left you need to get rid of then grinding is the only option. To grind it you can cover it completely with soil and wait for it to decay. You can speed up the process with a commercial product, but it will still take about 3 months. If you do not want to wait that long then you need an actual grinder. You can buy one and do it yourself or you can hire someone to do it for you.

If you are not up to doing this task yourself, you can hire a commercial service to do it for you. It generally costs between $100 and $150 per stump and then $25 to $50 for each one after that. If you are not going to do this on a regular basis then renting a grinder or hiring someone to do it for you is probably the best way to go.

If you need tree cutting and stump grinding done and you decide to do it yourself, above all remember to be careful and take safety precautions. If you are not comfortable using a chainsaw or a grinder then definitely hire someone to take care of it for you. This is often the fastest, and even sometimes the most cost-effective strategy.

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