Saturday, March 24, 2012

Do You Enjoy Gardening?

By Sue Ellis

Increasing the look and feel of the surroundings is the beautiful flowers, plants, and trees in a garden. But remember that all the plants want different care in different seasons and the need of all the plants is different. To increase the beauty of a garden we should be careful about them.

There's a difference between outdoor and indoor plants. Unlike outdoor plants, indoor plants and hanging baskets should only be watered if the soil is dry 3 inches under the surface, meaning they won't need as much water in winters as they require in the summer. To prevent plants from becoming huge, limit them to one light feeding of fertilizer a month.

Always check for insects in your houseplants. Regularly check your plants because there may be leaves that are yellowing or discolored. Usually, over watering causes this condition but it could also indicate insects. Also possibly caused by insects are deformed plants and sticky deposits on leaves. Remove the plant to another area and treat the problem if you find insects. There are numerous types of insects and other animals that can spell disaster for your plants. But others are important when it comes to keeping them healthy. Bees are vital for pollinating flowers and you should not kill them all.

You need to be careful about the cleanliness because a garden will look beautiful if it's clean. If your garden is kept clean and free of debris and dead plants, then insects and diseases will be prevented in your garden. Summer annuals must be pulled up while dead foliage should be removed from perennials. In the compost pile, you can add the leaves you've raked and chopped up. Your compost pile should be continuously watered and turned when possible. Turn the soil in beds that don't contain plants to expose weed seeds and soil-borne insects to weather and birds.

Another important thing you should do is clean up your garden tools. You'll be able to work easier with clean, sharp tools. Oil wooden handles as well as dirt and debris should be removed in order to preserve them. Sharpen blades so your tools will be ready in the spring. Your garden may give you many years of happiness if you take care of your plants and pay them the attention they deserve. The hard work and effort you put in will be rewarded by the beauty of the plants in your garden.

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